These monsters themselves also drop items

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A Durance Of Hate a.k.a. Mephisto Run (Act 3)Despite all the options for a farming run D2R Ladder Items, one of the best methods of maximising a farming run or a farming spot in Diablo 2 is to continue killing bosses on and off. Mephisto is one of them. He provides a lot of items. It's all thanks to the fact that he shares his boss arena with other Super Unique Monsters.

These monsters themselves also drop items. Additionally, other monsters are present in the final room of Durance of Hate. The players don't have to complete the full course beginning from Travincal. There's a waypoint available within Durance of Hate for anyone looking to rush.

Forgotten Temple, Upper Curast (Act 3)One of the most popular ways of farming is to discover the smallest area with easily-to-find treasures. Once you have found them, leave the game, and then start repeatedly. The most unique and elite units have the highest chance of success. In this scenario, take advantage of a mercenary by heading towards The Forgotten Temple.

The map is smaller than other farms, but that's the advantage of the zone. It's easily cleared by the single player. Every inch of the space is packed with lucrative equipment and treasures Diablo 2 Resurrected Items. After a game, reset your game and try again.
