Do you want to dismantle or market equipment found in Lost Ark?

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If you're looking to get rid of the old equipment, you could consider selling it for Lost Ark Gold gold or deconstructing it for other things. Deciding what to do depending on your character's needs at the moment.

In general, you should get rid of your old gear and not sell it. Although selling your equipment will bring you instant gold, there's a good possibility that you'll come to more valuable objects when you begin to tear down your old gear.

Even if there are less valuable things from dismantling the old gear, you could still sell them to buyers for gold. Dismantling being the best method of handling the old stuff as well as gives players some freedom while playing Lost Ark since they won't have to locate a vendor to market their items each whenever their inventory is full. This is why dismantling can be a time-saving alternative that may also provide higher returns than selling old gear.

If you are close to vendors and require immediately gold can still sell your equipment Cheap Lost Ark Gold. This could be a viable way to make a couple quickly.
