Italian Soda and Brooklyn egg cream

Italian Soda and Brooklyn egg cream


We enjoy finding novel uses for the soda water maker. One of the many applications and drinks you can make with one is this homemade Italian soda recipe!


In this recipe, we utilized strawberry syrup to make our Italian soda. You're free to use any flavor you desire!


Making Italian Soda at Home

Ingredients: 8 ounces of carbonated water from the soda water maker and 1 ounce of flavoring syrup.


Prepare the carbonated water according to these instructions for the Soda Siphon. One ounce of flavoring syrup should be added to a 10-ounce glass before adding carbonated water on top. If you'd like, you can decorate it with whipped cream from your whip cream whipper!


Making an Italian Cream Soda Float * Before sprinkling whip cream on top of your beverage, drizzle 1 oz. of half-and-half.


New York egg cream

A soda water maker is utilized with our Brooklyn Egg Cream recipe. This is deliciously creamy and chocolatey!


The beverage is quite simple to produce and, more significantly, it cleverly preserves the carbonation of the water until you're ready to serve and enjoy your subsequent beverage!


Ingredients: two cups of milk, one-fourth cup of chocolate syrup, and one-half cup of soda water (directions here)


Making an egg cream:

A 12 oz. glass should be filled with carbonated water and milk. Then, immediately whisk in the chocolate syrup.


