FIFA 23 has been released for a couple of weeks

The most effective skill he has is passing but his main weakness is his speed, which is easily compensated for by his AcceleRATE system, which makes him a great defensive player.


The most effective skill he has is passing but his main weakness is his speed, which is easily compensated for by his AcceleRATE system, which makes him a FIFA 23 Coins great defensive player.

He might not be the most significant player on the field, however his contribution, though not often noticed, can bring any game to life.

This is another defensive midfielder who has an enviable specialization, lots of stamina, but subpar cross-field and passing skills.

However, when it comes to CDMs the player is definitely among the top three players in the world. If you're looking for a long-lasting defender Casemiro could be an excellent choice.

Many believe that his ratings will continue to fall over the next few seasons So, take your chance now or not.

This is the second-best center-back in FIFA 23 behind Van Dijk, who has more stamina and speed, and is considered to be a more balanced player in general.

However, Dias, despite his flaws, has one unique characteristic that makes him a great long-distance player: he's extremely agresive. This affects his ability to speed up, which allows him to give solid support to the whole team.

Are you interested in learning how to make better shots with power within FIFA 23? The power shots available in FIFA 23 are a bit different from regular shots and if you're looking to get more goals, you must learn to utilize them correctly. FIFA 23 introduces an entirely new shot mechanic that lets you add more power to your shots, however it requires some practice to become comfortable with. This guide will teach you how to use shots that are powered by FIFA 23.

FIFA 23 has been released for a couple of weeks and already the world is shaking. Why? because EA Sports has once again demonstrated that they're not scared to experiment with their games. This year, they've launched an entirely new shot mechanic, dubbed the power shot. Power shots are not just a lot greater power behind them, they also be more curved and dip than normal shots. This makes them extremely efficient when they are used properly. Like always, buying FIFA 23 Coins players are split on whether this new technique can be a game changer or just a cheap trick. It's only time to find out. One thing is certain: EA Sports isn't afraid to make a risk and that's the thing we like about them.
