Bicycle advocacy can be a terrific basis for a community project for school

Bicycle advocacy can be a terrific basis for a community project for school


Catherine Blakespear (SD 38): As the mayor of Encinitas,short sleeve cycling jerseys  Blakespear has shown leadership in creating protected, safe bicycle facilities in her city. We’re glad to have her leadership at the state level.
Liz Ortega (AD 20): Ortega has been a labor leader for some of California’s most marginalized groups, and she understands that lowering carbon emissions and reducing our footprint is also a social justice issue. She brings a critical perspective to Sacramento.
Gail Pellerin (AD 28): As a lifelong public servant, Pellerin understands the expansion of safe biking and walking to combat climate change, our housing crisis, and healthy and equitable communities.
Dawn Addis (AD 30): As a Morro Bay councilmember, Addis looked to expand biking along the central coast and beyond. We can’t wait to see what she can accomplish at the state level.Growing recognition of bicycling as an effective carbon-free transportationroad bike jerseys option has led more youth to get involved beyond just hopping on and riding. Bicycle advocacy can be a terrific basis for a community project for school, or just for fun.
