How to Make Your Life A Success

So, let me ask you a broad question before we get into the nitty-gritty. Why are you an optimist? Why do you choose to see the world that way? Yeah, I mean I don't know if optimists choose to see it that way I think, well I guess, you can choose to be an optimist that is a point of v


We're making crazy life changes like I'd really need jobs and starting businesses once they heard this thing because of a talk you had with him at a bar yeah or yeah and Wow and I figured out how to help people find their why and I would I and my friends would invite me to their homes to share with their friends so it all started with me standing in somebody's living room in New York City like you know with one of those those prepared platters that you get at the at the supermarket with the celery and the carrots and you know like one of those in the middle of the room and I would talk about the thing called the Y and people would ask me to help them find their when I used to do it for a hundred bucks on the side it was extremely organic you know I kept I talked about it everywhere when people would tell people about it people would ask me to come talk about it and somebody invited me to come give a talk to a bunch of entrepreneurs and I said yes Wow so what happened when when you gave their first target your first real talk were you like oh my I should maybe this shouldn't just be the sidekick I didn't know that being a speaker was actually a thing weirdly so and this is we're talking 2000s I started giving these talks in 2006 because it was my own discovery of my own why that really generated a passion for this idea and what was your own why to inspire people to do what inspires them .

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so together each of us can change our world for the better which continues to be my passion and my drive and that has not changed it one you only have one why your whole life yeah and the opportunity is to live in balance or out of balance with that with that why I say it's not created in the middle of your life it's created early in your life and if you can figure out what it is you can choose to make decisions to to bring that Y to life and that's that's what I've done as we're here in this sort of 2006-2007 area you have your marketing firm and you're doing this consultation work teaching people how to find their why when did you sort of stop doing the more traditional marketing stuff and just really focus on this is what I'm doing probably a year ish after that mm-hmm it wasn't it was relatively quickly when I realized I wanted to only do spread this message of the Y yeah wasn't sure exactly what form it would take I just knew I wanted to do it and so managed to back out of my lease my back I didn't pay a fine oh my I got out of my lease from my office yeah and started from scratch because I wanted to I had this sort of very scientific approach which is scientific method which is I had a theory I wanted to prove the theory and the best way to prove the theory was to start clean yeah and and I didn't think I was right I just think thought I had an idea and I wanted to test it until it would fail and then I would weak the idea .

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and so I kept looking for new opportunities big companies small companies different industries public companies private companies government military I just was looking for all the different play that I could try it waiting for it to fail and it kept working Wow it really it was really an amazing experience to see this theory just keep working but I kept the reason I was very honest I was we're honest with people they like have you worked and you know politics.
