How to Fix QuickBooks Error Code 6144 82?

This error usually pops up when trying to open a company file used by a different application. This article aims to provide step-by-step instructions to fix this error.


QuickBooks is a popular accounting software used by business owners to manage their business. Like any software, it can sometimes have errors and issues, and one of the common errors is QuickBooks Error 6144 82. This error usually pops up when trying to open a company file used by a different application. This article aims to provide step-by-step instructions to fix this error.

Methods to fix QuickBooks Desktop Error 6144 82

Checkout the following methods to resolve the error code 6144 82 from your QuickBooks desktop:

Method 1: Rename .ND and .TLG Files in QuickBooks Installation Folder

Method 2: Rename Company File

Method 3: Move the Company File to the Original QuickBooks Folder

Method 4: Set up user permissions

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