Online transaction processing example

An example that an OLTP system considers is an ATM center, where the person who authenticates first will receive the amount first, provided that the amount to be withdrawn must be present in the ATM. The usage of the OLTP system is as follows.


Online transaction processing example

An example that an OLTP system considers is an ATM center, where the person who authenticates first will receive the amount first, provided that the amount to be withdrawn must be present in the ATM. The usage of the OLTP system is as follows.

ATM Center is an OLTP application.
OLTP handles ACID properties during data transactions by applications.
It is also used for online banking, online flight booking, sending text messages, adding books to shopping carts.
Advantages of oltp database transaction processing example Services

OLTP service allows users to quickly read, write, and delete data.
OLTP services help to increase users and transactions, which facilitates real-time access to data.
OLTP services help provide better security by applying several security features.
OLTP services help make better decisions by providing accurate or current data.
OLTP services provide data integrity, consistency, and high availability for data.
Disadvantages of OLTP services

OLTPs have limited analytical capabilities because they cannot perform complex analysis or reporting.
OLTP has high maintenance costs due to frequent maintenance, backup and recovery.
Whenever there is a hardware failure that causes online transactions to fail, OLTP services are hampered.
OLTP services often encounter problems such as data duplication or inconsistency.
Difference Between OLAP and OLTP
Category OLAP (Online Analytical Processing) OLTP (Online Transaction Processing)
Definition It is well known online database query management system. It is known as an online database modification system.
Data sources consist of historical data for each database. Contains current run data only.
The method used it utilizes the data warehouse. It uses a standard database management system (DBMS).
Applying it is subject-oriented. For data mining, analysis, decision-making, etc. It is application oriented. For business tasks.

