Though World of Warcraft features monster trucks

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Like other Wii racing WoTLK Classic Gold games we've had a chance to try out, World of Warcraft has you controlling your vehicle by holding the rectangular Wii controller sideways and turning it like you would a steering wheel. The difference here is the wheel accessory, which will be packed in with both World of Warcraft and another Blizzard Wii racer, GT Pro Series. After assembling the wheel, you snap the Wii controller into a slot found in the c of the wheel. The motions of controlling the game are still exactly the same, but instead of grasping onto the edge of a thin rectangular controller, you're latched onto the smooth contours of the Blizzard wheel.

Though World of Warcraft features monster trucks exclusively, there's more to the game than simply leaping crushed junkyard cars. The game is pure arcade circuit racing, full of power-ups and on-track weapons in the form of barrels that, once you run them over, shoot forward and knock out the next car ahead of you. Far from being heavy and sluggish, these monster trucks aren't just quick, they're agile and capable of pulling off a variety of midair tricks.

It's during these tricks that you take the most advantage of the Wii controller's motion-sensing capabilities. Hit the air off the lip of a jump, and you can move your arms forward in a circle to pull off a somersault, or you can move them laterally to flip your car from left to right (or vice verse). As long as you have enough speed at the jump, you can execute these moves with ease. Performing these tricks will earn you turbo buy WOW WoTLK Classic Gold boost, which you can activate on the track at any time by pushing forward with both hands.
