Consider The Actual Situation To Choose The Eyeglasses

Wearing children's eyeglasses involves a lot of data, and optometry is very important. Therefore, when choosing an optometry plan, one should fully consider the child's actual situation and needs, as well as optometry advice and guidance.


Wearing children's eyeglasses involves a lot of data, and optometry is very important. Therefore, when choosing an optometry plan, one should fully consider the child's actual situation and needs, as well as optometry advice and guidance.


No matter how good the childrens eyeglasses product is, it is just an auxiliary tool. More importantly, parents should strengthen the supervision and guidance of their children's eye habits, so that children can develop good eye habits from an early age and better protect their eye health.


There are more and more kids' eyeglasses near me products and solutions in the field of myopia prevention and control, and the space we have to choose is also growing. The framework mirror for myopia prevention and control is called the "adjustment lag theory".


We found that the retina tends to grow in the direction of focal focus. The human sclera only has a fibrous layer, mainly composed of type I collagen fibers; In the process of myopia, human eye dilation mainly manifests as remodeling of the extracellular matrix in the posterior pole of the sclera, thinning of the fibrous layer, and reduced synthesis of proteoglycans. In addition, the human ciliary muscle is smooth muscle, and it has not been found that the human eye axis will shorten. defocusing in front of the retina can also delay the growth of the eye axis.


A myopia prevention and control product based on the theory of adjustment lag. When viewed closely, the ciliary muscle of the eye contracts, and the lens becomes convex, using an adjustment to focus the object on the retina.


In reality, when the eyes are looking up close, they tend to be lazy when using adjustments, causing the object to stop just behind the retina; The amount of laziness in this part is the adjustment lag.

